To achieve the goal of health for all, universal coverage is a target that needs to be completed. One step in the direction is the appointment of a non-physician workforce, Community Health Officers at health and wellness centres. However, the current level of training provided to CHOs, including the freshers, is 4-day induction and four months of comprehensive training with less focus on developing practical skills. The duration of this course is 1 year consisting of 13 modules. This course helps to improve the abilities of community health workers to increase services and boost the effectiveness of healthcare delivery systems in areas with constrained resources. The goal is to transfer the skills learned into real-life workplace scenarios and make CHOs a leader at the local level by managing current and new public health challenges.
Module 1: Care during pregnancy and childbirth | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
04-02-2025 | 1.1 Status of Maternal Health in India and Service delivery framework | Dr. Latha Venkatesan |
04-02-2025 | 1.2 Maternal Health Service Provision | Dr. Latha Venkatesan |
04-02-2025 | 1.3 Care during Pregnancy’s- Part 1 (Importance of Antenatal Care, Antenatal Assessment and its Components) | Dr. Anshu Mittal |
11-02-2025 | 1.4 Care during Pregnancy’s- Part 2 (Breast Examination, Abdominal Examination, vaginal examination) | Dr. Anshu Mittal |
11-02-2025 | 1.5 Care during Pregnancy’s- Part 3 (Laboratory Examination, Common Problems of Pregnancy and action to be taken at SHC-HWC by CHOs, Interventions, Roles and Responsibilities of CHO in Care during Pregnancy) | Dr. Anshu Mittal |
11-02-2025 | 1.6 Counselling during Pregnancy- part 1 Planning and Preparing for Birth (Birth Preparedness), Complication Readiness—Recognising Danger Signs During Pregnancy, Labour and afterDelivery/Abortion, Threatened abortion | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
18-02-2025 | 1.7 Counselling during Pregnancy- part 2 (Health and Nutritional Counselling, Counsel regarding Breastfeeding, Sex during Pregnancy, Domestic Violence, Family Planning) | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
18-02-2025 | 1.8 Postnatal Care for Mothers | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
18-02-2025 | 1.9 Recording Reporting for Reviewing ANC services | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
Module 2: Newborn and child health services | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
21-08-2023 | 2.1 Introduction to Newborn and Child Health Programmes and Newborn Care | Dr. Latha Venkatesan |
21-08-2023 | 2.2 Newborn care | Dr. Latha Venkatesan |
21-08-2023 | 2.3 Assessment and care of sick young infant (0-2 months of age)- part 1 Assess and classify the sick young infant for bacterial infection, jaundice | Dr. Anshu Mittal |
21-08-2023 | 2.4 Assessment and care of sick young infant (0-2 months of age)- part 2 Assess and classify the sick young infant for diarrhoea, very low weight and feeding problem, advise mother to give homecare | Dr. Anshu Mittal |
28-08-2023 | 2.5 Assessment and care of sick child (2-59 months of age) Asking the mother/caregiver about the child’s problem, case management of a child with cough or difficult breathing, diarrhoea, fever, anemia, promote the health of the child | Dr. Anshu Mittal |
28-08-2023 | 2.6 Community Based Programmes for Children | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
28-08-2023 | 2.7 Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
28-08-2023 | 2.8 Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation & Anemia Mukt Bharat (AMB) Programme | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
04-09-2023 | 2.9 Early Detection and Management of children with growth failure | Dr. Pankaj Bhardwaj |
04-09-2023 | 10 Immunization for children | Dr. Pankaj Bhardwaj |
04-09-2023 | 11 Early Childhood Development | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
04-09-2023 | 12 Child Health Screening and Early Intervention Services (RBSK) | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
Module 3: Family planning and reproductive health care services | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
3.1 Introduction to Family Planning Services | Shhakti Dalal | |
3.2 Family Planning Counselling and Nutrition | Shhakti Dalal | |
3.3 Family Planning Methods and Schemes- part 1 Different Types of Contraceptives, Oral Contraceptive, Injectable Contraceptive: Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (MPA) | Dr. Rishi Dutt Avasthi | |
3.4 Family Planning Methods and Schemes- part 2 Intra Uterine Contraceptive Device (IUCD), Condoms, Home Delivery of Contraceptives by ASHA | Dr. Nabakanta Sharma | |
02-10-2023 | 3.5 Family Planning Logistics Management Information System | Shhakti Dalal |
02-10-2023 | 3.6 Comprehensive Abortion Care Services | Dr. Latha Venkatesan |
Module 4: Adolescent healthcare | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
09-10-2023 | 4.1 Importance of Adolescent Health and The Health Problems that Adolescents Face – Part 1 Teenage Pregnancy, Unsafe Abortions | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
09-10-2023 | 4.2 The Health Problems that Adolescents Face – Part 2, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/Acquired Immuno-Deficiency Syndrome, Mental Health, Injuries, Substance Abuse, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
16-10-2023 | 4.3 The Health Problems that Adolescents Face – Part 2 Nutrition during adolescence, Balanced Diet, Malnutrition, Anemia) | Dr Mamta Nebhinani |
16-10-2023 | 4.4 WIFS (Weekly Iron Folic Acid Supplementation), Over nutrition (Overweight and Obesity), Nutritional programme for adolescents | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
23-10-2023 | 4.5 Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram and Adolescents immunization, Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics (AFHCs), Peer Education Programme, Adolescent Friendly Club Meetings, Adolescent Health Days, Data Collection and Compilation | Dr. Rishi Dutt Avasthi |
23-10-2023 | 4.6 Menstrual Hygiene Scheme (MHS), School-based adolescent health services, Adolescent immunization | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
23-10-2023 | 4.7 Dealing with Adolescents | Dr. Akhil Dhanesh Goel |
Module 5: Management of Communicable Diseases | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
13-11-2023 | 5.1 Vector Borne Diseases National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (Malaria,Dengue) | Dr Aprajita Singla |
13-11-2023 | 5.2 National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (Chikungunya, Japanese encephalitis, filariasis) | Dr Aprajita Singla |
13-11-2023 | 5.3 National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme ( Kala-azar,Vector Control Activities under NVBDCP, National Leprosy Eradication program ) | Dr Aprajita Singla |
06-11-2023 | 5.4 Mycobacterial Infections (Leprosy) | Dr. Chirag Goel |
06-11-2023 | 5.5 Mycobacterial Infections (National Tuberculosis Elimination Programm, Tuberculosis ) | Dr Shambavi H J |
06-11-2023 | 5.6 Sexually Transmitted Infections National AIDS Control Program, HIV / AIDS | Dr Shambavi H J |
13-11-2023 | 5.7 Sexually Transmitted Infections/ Reproductive Tract Infections, National Rabies Control Program) | Dr. Rishi Dutt Avasthi |
20-11-2023 | 5.8 Rabies and National Rabies Control Program National Viral Hepatitis Control Program | Dr Shambavi H J |
20-11-2023 | 5.9 Viral Hepatitis | Dr. Rishi Dutt Avasthi |
Module 6: Management of Non-Communicable Diseases | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
27-11-2023 | 6.1 Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Diseases and Stroke (NPCDCS), Service Delivery Framework ,Essential knowledge and skills of Community Health Officer for management of NCDs under AB-HWC programme , Hypertension | Dr. Anand Krishnan |
27-11-2023 | 6.2 Hypertension (Management of Hypertension at HWC level) | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
04-12-2023 | 6.3 Diabetes Mellitus (pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Assessment of Diabetes at HWC level: Management of Diabetes at HWC level, Management of Type II DM: Diet , Exercise , Medicines) | Dr. Pankaj Bhardwaj |
04-12-2023 | 6.4 Management of Diabetes at HWC level, Management of Type II DM: (Dyslipidemia, Hypertension, Obesity, Diseases of eye, Kidney diseases, Neuropathy, CVD, infection) | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
11-12-2023 | 6.5 Management of Type II DM: Patient Education) | Shhakti Dalal |
11-12-2023 | 6.6 Cancers (Oral Cancer, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer) | Dr Aprajita Singla |
11-12-2023 | 6.7 Population based screening of non-communicable Diseases at ab-HWC Level: | Dr Shambavi H J |
Module 7: Elderly and Palliative care | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
01-01-2024 | 7.1 7.10 Psychosocial and Spiritual Support in Palliative Care | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
25-12-2023 | 7.1 Introduction to Healthcare of Elderly and healthy Ageing | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
01-01-2024 | 7.11 Assessment of Pain | Dr. Ritesh Singh |
01-01-2024 | 7.12 Management of Pain | Dr. Satabdi Mitra |
08-01-2024 | 7.13 Symptom Management (BREATHLESSNESS /DYSPNOEA/BREATHING DIFFICULTY, COUGH, Urinary problem) | Dr Sangeeta Jund |
08-01-2024 | 7.14 Symptom Management (ORAL CANDIDIASIS/ THRUSH, XEROSTOMIA, Halitosis, Constipation, Diarrhoea, Anorexia, Cachexia | Dr. Satabdi Mitra |
08-01-2024 | 7.15 Care of Bedridden Patient: | Dr. Ritesh Singh |
08-01-2024 | 7.16 Pharmacology | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
08-01-2024 | 7.17 Nursing in Palliative Care and Common Nursing Procedures in Palliative Care - PRESSURE SORES, FISTULAS | Dr. Annu Antony |
15-01-2024 | 7.18 Nursing in Palliative Care and Common Nursing Procedures in Palliative Care - TRACHEOSTOMY CARE, STOMA CARE, CARE OF LYMPHEDEMA | Dr Mamta Nebhinani |
15-01-2024 | 7.19 Common Nursing Procedures in Palliative Care | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
15-01-2024 | 7.2 7.20 Palliative Care in HIV/AIDS | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
25-12-2023 | 7.2 Common Illnesses in Elderly and Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment | Dr. Ritesh Singh |
15-01-2024 | 7.21 Care of Dying and Service delivery framework and Role of Community Health Officer in Palliative Care | Dr. Kapil M Gandha |
25-12-2023 | 7.3 Basic Nursing Skills, Health Promotion, Self-care and Counselling in Elderly | Dr. Annu Antony |
25-12-2023 | 7.4 Health Promotion , self care in elderly: Part A: Health Promotion and Counselling, Part B: Self Care | Dr. Satabdi Mitra |
25-12-2023 | 7.5 Health Promotion , self care in elderly: Part B: Strength related Activities, Aerobic/Cardio-vascular Endurance related Activities, Safety measures in elderly, Manage stress and anxiety to ensure mental well-being and overall health, Schemes and Program for welfare of Senior citizens | Dr Sangeeta Jund |
01-01-2024 | 7.6 Service Delivery framework and continuum of care | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
01-01-2024 | 7.7 Introduction to Palliative Care | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
01-01-2024 | 7.8 Home care | Dr. Ritesh Singh |
01-01-2024 | 7.9 Communication Skills | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
Module 8: Eye care | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
15-01-2024 | 8.1 Overview of Anatomy of Human Eye | Dr Upasana Sinha |
22-01-2024 | 8.2 Overview and Management of Cataract | Dr. Ritesh Singh |
22-01-2024 | 8.3 Overview and Management of refractive errors | Dr. Ritesh Singh |
29-01-2024 | 8.4 Overview and Management of conjunctivitis, stye | Dr Upasana Sinha |
29-01-2024 | 8.5 Overview and Management of Xerophthalmia, Glaucoma | Dr. Samita |
29-01-2024 | 8.6 Overview and Management of Trachoma | Dr. Satabdi Mitra |
22-01-2024 | 8.7 Overview and Management of Eye Injuries and Special situations for Eye Care | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
29-01-2024 | 8.8 Service Delivery Framework and Roles and Responsibilities of Community Health Officer in Eye Care | Dr. Ashlesha Tawde |
Module 9: Oral care | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
12-02-2024 | 9.1 Service Delivery Framework Role of CHO in provision of oral health | Suman Bhardwaj |
12-02-2024 | 9.2 Prevention and treatment protocol for common conditions/ diseases | Dr. Samita |
19-02-2024 | 9.3 Prevention and treatment protocol for common conditions/ diseases | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
19-02-2024 | 9.4 Prevention and treatment protocol for common conditions/ diseases | Suman Bhardwaj |
26-02-2024 | 9.5 Procedure Prevention of Common Oral Diseases and Conditions (Cleft lip or Palate, Dental Fluorosis, Dental Emergencies) | Dr. Rehan Shahed |
26-02-2024 | 9.6 Procedure Prevention of Common Oral Diseases and Conditions (Oral Thrush, Candidiasis, Linkage between Oral Health and General Health) | Suman Bhardwaj |
Module 10: Ear, Nose, and throat care | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
04-03-2024 | 10.1 Understanding the Ear, Nose and Throat and examination of ear, nose and throat | Vineet Kumar Pathak |
04-03-2024 | 10.2 Common ENT Complaints and How to Approach Them- EPISTAXIS, UPPER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS | Vineet Kumar Pathak |
11-03-2024 | 10.3 Common ENT Complaints and How to Approach Them- ACUTE TONSILLITIS, ACUTE EPIGLOTTITIS, EARACHE | Dr. Annu Antony |
11-03-2024 | 10.4 Common ENT Complaints and How to Approach Them- OTITIS EXTERNA, VERTIGO, HEARING LOSS/ REDUCED HEARING | Dr. Satabdi Mitra |
18-03-2024 | 10.5 Common ENT Complaints and How to Approach Them- FOREIGN BODY IN EAR, FOREIGN BODY IN NASAL CAVITY, FOREIGN BODY IN AIR PASSAGE | Vineet Kumar Pathak |
18-03-2024 | 10.6 Essential skills needed for providing primary ENT services | Dr. Ashlesha Tawde |
18-03-2024 | 10.7 Health promotion and prevention of ENT problems and Service delivery framework: Providing ENT care as a team and Key tasks of CHO | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
Module 11: Common emergencies, burns, and trauma | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
01-04-2024 | 11.1 Role of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care | Dr. Ashlesha Tawde |
01-04-2024 | 11.2 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care – a. Trauma and Accidents | Dr Mamta Nebhinani |
01-04-2024 | 11.3 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care – Bites (Animal bite/snake bite/scorpion sting) | Dr Upasana Sinha |
08-04-2024 | 11.4 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care – Anaphylaxis and Acute Skin Rash, Burns | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
08-04-2024 | 11.5 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care – Choking/foreign body ingestion, Poisoning | Rajalaxmi Mishra |
15-04-2024 | 11.6 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care – Seizures, Near-drowning, Obstetric Emergencies | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
15-04-2024 | 11.7 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care – Neonatal Emergencies Exposure Illnesses | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
15-04-2024 | 11.8 Clinical Functions of Community Health Officer in Emergency, Burns and Trauma Care NCD related Emergencies, Acute Abdomen | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
Module 12: MNS disorder | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
22-04-2024 | 12.1 Mental Health and Mental Health Disorders and Promotion | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
06-05-2024 | 12.1 Substance Use Disorder | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
06-05-2024 | 12.11 Suicide Ideation and Behaviour | Dr. Priya T. Nandimath |
06-05-2024 | 12.12 Service Delivery Framework for MNS Disorders and Legal Context of Mental Health | Dr Sangeeta Jund |
22-04-2024 | 12.2 Mental health promotion: stigma and discrimination | Dr Sangeeta Jund |
22-04-2024 | 12.3 Mental health promotion- positive parenting | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
22-04-2024 | 12.4 Approach to a Person with Mental Illness | Sandhya Mishra |
29-04-2024 | 12.5 Common Mental Disorders (CMD) | Dr. Anamika Chandra |
29-04-2024 | 12.6 Severe Mental Disorders (SMD) | Dr. Anamika Chandra |
29-04-2024 | 12.7 Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders (C&AMHD) Conduct Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
29-04-2024 | 12.8 Childhood and Adolescent Mental Health Disorders (C&AMHD) oppositional defiant disorder, intellectual disability | Dr Sangeeta Jund |
06-05-2024 | 12.9 Neurological Disorders - EPILEPSY | Dr. Rehan Shahed |
Module 13: NQAS | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
20-05-2024 | 13.1 National Quality Assurance Standard -introduction | Dr. Joshua Abhishek |
03-06-2024 | 13.1 Quality certification | Dr. Sonu Goel |
20-05-2024 | 13.2 Laqshya | Dr. Manish Sharma |
20-05-2024 | 13.3 Musqan | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
27-05-2024 | 13.4 Kayakalp Swachh swasth sarvatra | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
27-05-2024 | 13.5 Patient safety | Dr. Manish Sharma |
27-05-2024 | 13.6 Standard treatment guidelines | Dr. Manish Sharma |
03-06-2024 | 13.7 Free drug service initiative | Dr.Meenal M Thakare |
03-06-2024 | 13.8 Training and capacity building | Dr Aprajita Singla |
03-06-2024 | 13.9 Quality assurance and key performance indicators | Dr. Abhilash Sood |
Module 14: Infection prevention & Control (IPC) | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
10-06-2024 | 14.1 Introduction to healthcare associated infections, its types, routes | Dr. Kapil M Gandha |
10-06-2024 | 14.2 Infection prevention and control programme | Dr. Kapil M Gandha |
10-06-2024 | 14.3 Procedure and practices for IPC( Eg:standard precautions, hand hygiene, PPE, respiratory and cough etc) | Dr Aprajita Singla |
17-06-2024 | 14.4 Control of Environment ( Air and Ventilation, Cleaning and sanitation, Safe water and food, Biomedical waste) | Dr. Kapil M Gandha |
17-06-2024 | 14.5 Healthcare-associated infections and their surveillance | Dr. Bhaskar Rajakumar |
17-06-2024 | 14.6 Preventing infections among healthcare workers | Dr. Samita |
Module 15: Team Building | ||
Session Date | Sub Topics | Resource faculty |
01-07-2024 | 15.1 Motivation and morale | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
01-07-2024 | 15.2 Organisational behaviour | Dr. Pankaj B. Shah |
08-07-2024 | 15.3 Effective communication | Dr Sangeeta Jund |
08-07-2024 | 15.4 Team building | Dr. Rehan Shahed |
08-07-2024 | 15.5 Emotional intelligence | Dr. Rehan Shahed |
15-07-2024 | 15.6 Change management | Sandhya Mishra |
E-Learning for Public Health is an interactive web-based knowledge-transfer platform offering online courses to develop and enhance the competencies and skills of the Health Professionals.